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AHTS Project: Flavor & Floral Mapping

​Honey Samples we are looking for:


  1. Citrus

  2. Sweet clover

  3. Goldenrod

  4. Linden

  5. Buckwheat

  6. Eucalyptus

  7. Black Locust

  8. Gallberry

  9. Sourwood

  10. Tupelo

  11. Tulip poplar

  12. Cotton

  13. Star thistle

  14. Japanese Knotweed

  15. Dandelion


*Please do not send samples that are more than 2 years old.

The American Honey Tasting Society has created a honey tasting panel of experts who have been trained by the Italian National Register of Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey. We are collecting honey samples produced in the United States to begin the process of creating

sensory profiles for our countries vast and diverse botanical sources.


This will be an ongoing study aimed at matching American honeys to their botanical sources. This database will connect each honey’s sensory profile (visual, olfactory and gustatory) to its respective terroir (region, climate, soil and floral source). Our experienced panel of tasters will be writing the tasting notes for each honey sample as well as experts in the field will be performing laboratory analyses of each sample for its physical, chemical, palynological profiles. Our hope is that our work will begin creating standards for US honeys using the methods developed by the Italian CRA-API Institute and Ministry of Agriculture tapping into their 40 years of research.

All information gathered from this study will be used to help us better understand honeybees’ behavior, their floral preferences and the resulting flavor profiles of the honeys produced within each specific locations in the US. We hope to identify single-origin, rare and unique honey while at the same time bringing attention to endangered honey plants and their honeys. Our work is to educate beekeepers as well as the consumers to choose quality honey. We understand this is a huge undertaking that will go on for years and even generations. Every beekeeper is an essential part of this project. 

We need your help! If you are a honey producer and would like to share a two jars of your single source honey for our project please download and complete the HONEY SUBMISSION FORM and send it with your honey samples. Once our work is complete we will send you our tasting notes for your own use and marketing efforts with a certificate from the AHTS.

The American Honey Tasting Society is the premier organization in the United States to offer accredited courses in the

sensory analysis of honey that are recognized by The Italian Register of Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey.

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