Honey Journaling: A Creative Sensory Experience - In Person
DATE: TBA June 2025. This is an in person workshop that will be held at Red Bee apairy in Weston, Connecticut.
Time 10:00 am EST to 3:00 pm EST.
In this workshop, attendees will explore the elusive task of translating the sensation of smell and taste into the written word and visual imagery. We will explore the sensory characteristics of various flowers and herbs in the garden and apiary, essential oils and 5 unifloral honeys then find the words to describe the smells and flavors. Some exercises we will explore are to create a visual journal of tasting notes (painting, sketching or collaging) and/or write the story of your personal journey through the sensory experience.
Students should bring their own journal and writing instruments and or paint. Some supplies will be available to share. A light lunch and snacks will be provided.